Mevo+ vs. Bushnell Launch Pro vs. SkyTrak+(Which is the Best?)


Let me start by saying these three devices are all amazing launch monitors. If you’re looking for a launch monitor you won’t go wrong with any of these, but 1 will be the perfect fit. The right one for you will depend on your specific wants, space confinements, and the skill set of the users. This quick quiz is one way that you can find out which one is for you if you are looking to buy a Bushnell or SkyTrack+. If you are looking at a Mevo+ use this link and code GolfBusters10 to get it for the cheapest possible price.

Space Constraints

For the Mevo+ you will need slightly more space than the other devices if you are planning to use it with both righties and lefties. You will need over 18 feet of depth and 15-16 feet of width, if you are playing with just righties or just lefties you don’t need quite as much width.

Bushnell Launch Pro & SkyTrak+

To be safe while you golf you will need around 16 feet of depth. You can have 10 feet of width if you are only playing with righties, but for comfortability, I recommend at least 12 feet. If you have a smaller room part of your decision is probably made because the Bushnell Launch Pro and the Skytrak Plus take a little less space.


To test the accuracy I took thousands of shots side by side with a Trackman unit—a standard top-of-the-line device—and here are the results for each one of the three devices.

Bushnell Launch Pro

This device was the most accurate out of the 3 (but by a very small margin), this unit is as good as it gets other than the GCQuad which is a $20,000 device that’s the older brother to the GC3. Carry yardages and offline were 99% of what Trackman and GCQuad were.


The Mevo+ is also a very accurate monitor, its carry yardages are also within 99% of the more expensive unit with just 1 knock on its accuracy. When you hit the ball on the toe in real life that’ll create a lot of draw spin which creates a thing called gear effect. The Mevo+ won’t read that gear effect perfectly, but when it comes to quirks with simulators this is the best problem to have. It ONLY occurs on severe mishits with your driver, and if you are hitting poor enough to get gear effect, you already know it’s a bad shot anyway so I’m fine with this sometimes misreading the direction (it still reads carry yardage great). With that being said, out of all the quirks on launch monitors this is the best one to have. The carry numbers are within 99% of the Trackman and the Bushnell Launch Pro and when you factor in all the club data you can get with the pro package, the Mevo+ becomes a clear choice for 95% of golfers.


The SkyTrak+’s accuracy is around the same as the other devices, but around 1 in 20 shots or 1-2 shots when playing 18 holes is just a little off. Other than the occasional misread it’s a very reliable device. The only other quirk I have noticed is short chips about 15 feet or shorter don’t read very well and I haven’t found any fixes for that.


If you're looking to get the BLP or SkyTrak+ for the lowest possible price be sure to use this quiz if you want a SkyTrak+ or Bushnell Launch Pro. This quiz will also give you a discount code to get it as cheap as possible. If you want a Mevo+ use this link with the code GolfBusters10 to get the lowest possible price.


The Mevo+ as a base unit is just around $1,900, there isn’t much club data other than club speed and smash factor with that but it is great if you’re looking for a launch monitor that’s super accurate with NO NEEDED FEES. If you are looking to get more club data like club path, face angle, or face-to-path the Pro Package is just an additional $800 (One-Time Purchase). Another addition that I highly recommend is Face Impact which comes in at around $400 and will give you super accurate data on where the club face is hitting the ball. With both of these add-ons, you’ll be able to quickly correct problems with your swing. Without any add-ons, you will still be able to play on 10 E6 courses with insane accuracy when it comes to carry yardage and flight path, you just won’t have quite as much club data.


The base unit price for the SkyTrak+ is going to be around $2,700-$3,000 depending on the deals going on at the time of purchase. You get a decent amount of club data, but you do have to pay subscription fees. I recommend the play and improve package($250/year) that will get you all of your club data and 15 E6 courses to play. If you want to use GSPRO I recommend getting the game and improvement package for $130/year, and in addition to that getting the $250/year subscription to GSPRO.

Bushnell Launch Pro

The base price of this launch monitor is $2,000 without club data but $3,500 with club data. The downside to this monitor is it doesn’t have club head speed or smash factor at the $2,000 price tag, unlike the Mevo+ that does. I also have found that to get the most accurate data you will need club stickers which I also found was necessary for the Skytrak+ (but that’s not official for the SkyTrak+ so take that with a grain of salt). This can be a hassle especially if you have guests over because you probably won’t want to take the time to set everyone’s clubs up and be using that many stickers. This all means that club data accuracy probably will only be used for you and the people in your household who regularly use your simulator. That being said if you do spend the money to properly use the club data it is very reliable data. In addition, the Bushnell Launch Pro has the highest subscription fees being $500/year and an additional $250 yearly if you want the GSPRO subscription.

If you plan on using your monitor for a longer time though I suggest splurging now on a Foresight GC3 because it will last you forever but you won’t have any subscription fees.


The first time you set up your monitor whether it is any of the three it will probably take around an hour. This is just because you’ll need to get the spacing, programming, and all the small kinks ironed out.

SkyTrak+ & Bushnell Launch Pro

After the initial set-up, every time should take you around .5 to 2 minutes for the SkyTrak+ and the Bushnell Launch Pro. You just need to turn them on put them down, and go.


The set-up for the Mevo+ takes 1 to 2.5 minutes but note that the set-up is VERY important. The extra minute or two is just so you can make sure the tilt and roll are set up well which is vital for getting the monitor’s peak accuracy. This is a video I made that gives detailed setup instructions.


The Mevo+ and SkyTrak+ are both compatible with an iPad so that can make them more affordable, but they all are compatible with a PC. The Mevo+ and Bushnell Launch Pro both have official integration with GSPRO so they are very compatible, you can get GSPRO on the SkyTrak+ but you won’t get some features like club data to transfer over.


The Mevo+ already has 10 free E6 courses and you can get a GSPRO subscription for $250 annually which I think is well worth the price. I also think you get the best accuracy out of the unit with GSPRO.


The SkyTrak+ is a $250 subscription fee each year and that gets you 15 E6 courses. If you want to get GSPRO it will be $380 per year, but this can change depending on the packages you choose.

Bushnell Launch Pro

The Bushnell Launch Pro’s subscription is FSX Play, for FSX Play it’s $500. Normally I don’t like programs other than GSPRO, but I thought this one was nice. If you still want GSPRO it will be another $250 on top of the $500 which does add up fast, so the total fee for the Bushnell Launch Pro is $750 when bought with GSPRO. (This is also one of the reasons I recommend getting the GC3 over the BLP)

Battery Life


The SkyTrak+ has a battery life of around 5 hours so you should be able to play a full round without having to worry about charging it at all. If you make sure to plug it in after you will be good for your next round.


The Mevo+ has a battery life of about 3 hours, so most people get an external battery pack that is around $30 and allows you to play for upwards of 12 hours at a time. You probably won’t need a batter pack for the range.

Bushnell Launch Pro

I’m not sure what the official battery time of the Bushnell Launch Pro is, but I’ve never had a problem with it dying. I don’t even keep it plugged in all the time which is great because I barely ever need to remember to charge it. (UPDATE: After a year I’ve found the battery life to be around 4-5 hours, originally it lasted for around 8-10)

Outdoor Range Data


The Mevo+ is the most accurate outdoors. Because of the radar on the Mevo+, it’s able to read your ball’s entire flight giving you the most accurate data. You don’t have to worry about gear effect outdoors as the device reads full ball flight.


I wouldn’t recommend using the SkyTrak+ outside unless you are hitting on turf as it won’t read on a grass range.

Bushnell Launch Pro

This monitor is great inside and outside I would say it’s pretty good for a quick trip to the range, accuracy is great but I have found I have to move the unit around to get it to read compared to the Mevo+, I also hit on a pretty unkept driving range though so that could be a factor.


The Bushnell Launch Pro and the Mevo+ are responsive and there is barely any time between when you hit the ball and when it shows up on the screen. When fusion tracking is turned on there is a little bit of lag on the Mevo+ which makes it pretty similar to the SkyTrak+ timing which is around a second or two of lagging. None of these monitors have a lag time that is a deal breaker though in my opinion.


My personal opinion is you SHOULD NOT putt on your simulator, if you play a full round of golf it’ll be about an hour faster if you use auto-putt. Besides that point, the SkyTrak+, Mevo+, and Bushnell Launch Pro are all good at reading putts. With the Mevo+ being the worst of the 3.

Lefties & Righties

Mevo+ & SkyTrak+

Hands down the Mevo+ is the best because you don’t have to switch it at all between players. With the SkyTrak+ you will have to move the unit back and forth, but if you use GSPRO they have a feature to play the entire hole which means you only have to switch the unit every 2 holes.

Bushnell Launch Pro

Similarly, the Bushnell Launch Pro is A LOT of work when playing with righties and lefties because you need to move it between every player and navigate the screen each time. You can try having the lefties stand over the monitor, but it’s a little challenging, feels a little awkward, and isn’t very natural when you’re hitting. The only good way to play with lefties and righties is to use the “Play out hole” method in GSPRO.

Kids/12-30 Handicap


The Mevo+ is nice because it sits so far back that you don’t need to worry about the ball hitting your monitor. This is the best for people who don’t know what they’re doing as much yet.

SkyTrak+ & Bushnell Launch Pro

I recommend getting a protective case for the Bushnell Launch Pro or the SkyTrak+ if you will be playing with kids or people with handicaps greater than 12 because then your monitor is safe from any crazy mishits or big misses.



The setup is EXTREMELY important with the Mevo+ because you need to have it right for the device to read everything accurately. Another small thing is that you need Titleist RCT balls because they have special technology to help the spin accuracy readings on the Mevo+. Lastly, short chipping sometimes doesn’t read well but it’s a simple fix all you need to do is manually go in and make it so the ball is 5 feet away from the monitor instead of 8, then when you are under 20 yards to the pin move the ball back to 5 feet from the unit to chip.

Bushnell Launch Pro

With the Bushnell Launch Pro, you only need to make sure you get dark birtees(dark green, dark blue, or black) and club stickers. This is just because of the infrared camera and how it picks up on certain colors.


The SkyTrak+ also has infrared cameras so the same thing said above is applied to this as well. In addition to that the red dot for where to place your ball sometimes causes the spot in your turf to get worn down because you are hitting in the same spot so consistently.

Club Data Accuracy


The Mevo+ is always very reliable and consistent with its club data accuracy barely being off at all. Note that it is important to hit the ball down the center line of your unit to get optimal club data readings.

Bushnell Launch Pro

This is the most accurate device you will find, I rarely if ever question any hits when I’m using the Bushnell Launch Pro but I do find it annoying that you don’t get face angle with this device.


The data on the SkyTrak+ was almost always accurate I did notice sometimes the club speed wasn’t the same as my other devices. Other than that I would say the data of this device is VERY accurate.

Which One Is For You?

None of these monitors can be a bad choice, I think each has a component that can make it yours. If you think you’re going to be using your device with lefties and righties there isn’t even a question about it get the Mevo+, but if you plan on mostly golfing by yourself the Bushnell Launch Pro is going to be for you as long as you don’t mind subscription fees, if you want to get past the subscription fees and plan on using your Bushnell for over 5 years I suggest purchasing the Foresight GC3 because, in the long run, it will save you a lot of money. This being said if you know it will always be righties and you don’t want the bigger subscription fees I would say get the SkyTrak+.

If you still are undecided take this short quiz to see if you should get the BLP or SkyTrak+, and if you plan on purchasing the Mevo+ use our code and link below for the lowest possible price.


Honest SkyTrak+ Review


SkyTrak+ Vs. Mevo+