SkyTrak+ Vs. Mevo+


The Mevo+ and SkyTrak+ are two of the MOST underrated launch monitors in the under $5,000 price point. You can’t go wrong with either one, that being said there will be one that is the perfect match for you, so let’s find out which one it is. But before we begin be sure to use the discount code GolfBusters10 if you are planning to purchase the Mevo+ or GB100-JLKJME if you’re planning on buying a SkyTrak+ to get each of these devices at the lowest possible price.

Space constraints

For the Mevo+ you will need 18-19 feet of depth to get its peak functionality. This is a great device for when you’re playing with righties and lefties because you’ll never have to pick it up to move it between each turn. The Mevo+ has mostly radar technology with a little bit of camera, which is what allows it to stay in place.

When it comes to the SkyTrak+ it’s mostly camera operative with just a little bit of radar so you don’t need that much space. The only downside is that if you’re playing with righties and lefties you will have to move where the monitor sits every time.

Early Decision?

So with this all being said many people’s decisions might already be made. Due to numerous people’s space constraints, the SkyTrak+ might be for you due to how much space you have, in comparison if you need lefties and righties then the Mevo+ may be the perfect fit.


The Mevo+ and SkyTrak+ are EXTREMELY accurate which means their accuracy is around 99% similar to the expensive devices on the top of the market.


To get the best accuracy possible with the Mevo+ you will need to get Titleist RCT balls. These balls have special technology that helps the Mevo+ read the ball path as accurately as possible which makes it 99% similar to the Trackman and GCQuad. The accuracy is so good on the Mevo+ that I would say I use it 95% of the time I’m golfing over more expensive launch monitors because it’s so consistent and so accurate with more features than competitors. The only thing it doesn’t read perfectly is gear effect. That being said, every device I have used has an issue, and if you’re already hitting the ball badly enough with your driver for gear effect to happen, then that shot wasn’t going to be great in the first place. If you hit the ball decently, not making poor contact on the toe of your driver you won’t notice any problems via gear effect. That being said if I were to choose any quirk I would choose this one because it ONLY shows on severe mishits with your driver. When hitting the ball decent or better you won’t notice any issues. Note: We recommend using the Mevo+ with GSPRO + RCT Balls and proper setup for optimal accuracy.


I think the SkyTrak+ is extremely accurate. Many people will compare this to the Bushnell Launch Pro saying that the Bushnell is SO much better, but I don’t think it’s significantly that much better. I think the Bushnell Launch Pro might be a little bit more accurate but at the end of the day, it’s still more expensive. On the Skytrak+ think the shot shape(direction/gear effect) is perfect every time. The only thing I have noticed is a few times a round the carry yardage isn’t spot on, but this is still at most 1 or 2 times when you're playing 18 holes by yourself.


For both of these devices, you can get them for the LOWEST possible price using my discount code GolfBusters10 for the Mevo+ or GB100-JLKJME for the SkyTrak+.

So to start, the base price for the Mevo+ is around $1,900. If you’re looking for some extra data I have found the Pro Package to be more than worth it, it has a bunch of different data points my favorites being club path and face angle. You can get all of that data for around $800 (one-time purchase) when bought with my discount code GolfBusters10. So far that puts the Mevo+ at $2,700, but there is one more add-on for about $400 putting the full package price at $3,200. The face impact tells you exactly where the ball is hitting your club face. The great thing about the Mevo+ is that none of the add-ons do anything to change the accuracy.

The only thing I would say is important to mention about Face Impact is you will need good overhead LED lighting to ensure that it’s able to read the ball accurately. The final thing about the Mevo+ is that there are NO FEES that you need for your launch monitor since it comes preloaded with 10 free E6 courses. (GSPRO is $250 a year if you decide to purchase that)

The base price for a SkyTrak+ is around $2,500 when bought with the code GB100-JLKJME. There is a subscription fee of $250 per year which comes with 15 E6 courses. The SkyTrak+ comes with a little less data than the Mevo+. A quirk I have noticed is that for the most accurate club face, you’ll need to get metallic stickers, but after you do that it’s VERY accurate.



The Mevo+ takes about 1.5 minutes to set up because you’ll need to mess with the tilt and roll a little. Then make sure it is placed in the right spot which is VERY important. I recommend having a spot marked where you should put it every time because the distance from your Mevo+ to the ball is extremely important. Again, the Setup for the Mevo+ is quick but EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. If you want to make sure you’re doing it right watch this video here.


The SkyTrak+ will probably take you less than a minute to set up because all you need to do is turn it on, connect to wifi, connect to the program, and go.

Simulator Programs


One great thing about the Mevo+ is you can use it with just about any program, but it does have official integration with GSPRO which offers so many courses for $250 per year. Another pro about the Mevo+ is that you get 10 free E6 courses with the baseline purchase of the Mevo+.


When it comes down to sim programs it’s the most compatible with E6. It doesn’t have official integration with GSPRO but there is a way to get it to work if you want to take the time to search the internet. Note: The Play & Improve subscription comes with 15 E6 courses.

Battery Life


The Mevo+ will have a pretty good battery hold for the driving range, but when playing courses in a simulator I recommend getting a battery pack because the Mevo+ won’t hold charge for much longer than 3 hours. With the battery pack it lasts well over 12 hours.


The battery life of the SkyTrak+ is very reliable if you make sure to have it plugged in before and after you play you shouldn’t need to worry about it. It lasts around 4-5 hours.

Driving Range

Both devices are great to use in an indoor golf simulator.


The Mevo+ is super nice at the outdoor range because of the radar technology in it. It reads the ball’s entire ball flight path giving you SUPER accurate data. It can also give you to wind factor, but you can turn it off if you don’t want that as well.


The SkyTrak+ will work great if there is hitting turf, but if not I wouldn’t recommend taking it the the range, it will not work on real grass.


Both devices are pretty responsive. The Mevo+ might be slightly more responsive by itself. When Face Impact is turned on there is maybe a 1 second reaction time which is similar to the normal responsiveness of the SkyTrak+.


STOP putting on the simulator it takes so much time when golfing. Just turn on auto put, it’s so much faster and you really won’t gain much skill from putting on a simulator compared to a regular putting mat or just putting on a practice green. When it comes to these two devices though I would say the SkyTrak+ is slightly better in this aspect.


For both of these devices, the problems are so minimal they honestly should barely be considered problems more like quirks.


The Mevo+ has a little bit of a fidgety setup, but once you have it down it’s no big deal. You will need to buy Titleist RCT balls to get the peek performance out of your monitor. Lastly, when it comes to chipping the Mevo+ can be fidgety when the chips are under 20 yards, but it’s a very simple fix, all you need to do is go manually into the program and put under Mevo+ “Sensor to Tee - Chipping” to 5 feet instead of 8. Leave “Sensor to tee - Normal” at 8 feet.


The only thing I disliked about the SkyTrak+ is that when hitting it gives you a red dot to hit from but this tends to wear down spots on your hitting strip. Also, you need dark birtees to make the monitor not read them weirdly.

Club Data Accuracy

They both have extremely accurate club data. I have found that sometimes the SkyTrak+’s club speed would vary and be off but never anything too drastic or frequent. Overall I find the club data on the Mevo+ to be slightly more reliable.

Which One Should You Buy

If you have lefties, I say hands down pick the Mevo+ because you never need to move it once it’s set up. If you aren’t a leftie though I think the two are about a 50/50 toss-up with different pros and cons to each.


The carry yardage on the Mevo+ is 99% as accurate as $20,000 launch monitors. I would give the slight edge to the Mevo+ in carry yardage over the SkyTrak+ (But not by a huge amount, they are still EXTREMELY CLOSE). Another huge pro is the amount of accurate data you get from the Mevo+ is unlike anything else you will find in this price category, and it comes WITH NO subscription fees.


The SkyTrak+ is also a great monitor because it reads shot shape on mishits slightly better than the Mevo+, this mostly applies to severe mishits that have gear effect. Another huge pro that could be a big deciding factor is that the SkyTrak+ needs less space than launch monitors like the Mevo+.

Important Links

Mevo+ Code: GolfBusters10

Mevo+ Stand

Battery Pack

LED Lights

Titleist RCT Balls


SkyTrak+ Code: GB100-JLKJME

If you have any questions reach out to


Mevo+ vs. Bushnell Launch Pro vs. SkyTrak+(Which is the Best?)


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